are challeging yet actually good in relationships and you might even feel really attracted to people with this type of synastry). Definitely check @factsrological for more on this! LMAO. This is great for long-term compatibility. Usually the individuals cant keep their hands off each other. Moon conjunct . The Sun is one of the most important features of a natal chart. They know how to annoy people and push their buttons. If there was past ab*se wether in romantic relationships or in their upbringing, it plays a big role in their romantic life. ive never met someone else with this and yeah ive heard i can be pretty wild LMAO. She's definitely a wild card, can be very scary even, when she's mad. Mars Conjunct Ascendant Synastry - Sex, Conflict, Potential The Sun is who you really are, your inner self. Even if theyre not physically attractive, theyre just ~ sexy ~ in some inexplicable way. You love being around each other. You immediately notice each other when you meet. Weird shit. As for marriage and relocating Id have to look at more than what you showed me. Absolutely. Any behaviors that have been lingering beneath the surface will manifest more strongly. This is the degree of wisdom, of course. The Sun person can help the Ascendant person to find a more authentic and fulfilling identity. playlists, art, etc. Aries degrees in love are typically the kinds to take charge in relationships and love to call the shots (this doesnt always apply to making the first move, in the actual relationship they just prefer to make all the decisions). There will be challenges, as with any other relationship. This aspect is similar to the Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect. Pisces degrees in love are intense and mysterious. Conjuncts In Synastry - Magnified Intensities Conjuncts in synastry have a reputation for being extremely intense. It represents the core of your personality. The Sun person can help the ascendant person heal the hidden issues and eliminate their unconscious fears, but they can also make things worse for the ascendant person. The Sun is one of the most important features of a natal chart. They also want someone whos intelligent and will be able to have deep, philosophical conversations with them. Hi! Possible competition may arise in this relationship which may not necessarily be negative. The sun is the center of the solar system and the source of life on Earth. Hope this helps! This couple makes sense when people see them together. Theyll also make time with their partner part of their daily routine. If they can learn to support each others individual goals and aspirations, this can be a very rewarding relationship. This is a perfect aspect for long-term relationships, or on a romantic level, for marriage and committed relationships. Hello! I spent over an hour looking at different charts of sapphic celebrities and that was the general consensus. They just tend to think about shit over and over again. When the Sun conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, the attraction is fascinating. The Sun person makes the ascendant person feel very good about themselves, but this feeling is mutual. Sagittarius degrees might in fact meet someone while traveling. They know how to undress you with their eyes, and they know how to get you to do it. They have to be very mindful of this and not get attached too quickly, and let the attachment grow over time. At the basis of this relationship is a deep understanding of both beings. This however can be their downfall in love, unevolved Cancer Venuses in love can become emotionally attached too quickly and are too emotional in relationships. Sun in contact with the ascendant in a synastry chart indicates that you are drawn to other. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Staying grounded in reality helps them to maintain a healthy perspective on their relationship. Hope this helps! The downsides here can be jealousy and possessiveness as well as having a hard time being vulnerable with romantic partners! Sun-Ascendant people are natural born leaders. At the same time, you complement each other. They will give the best, but of course expect the best in return. there's good communication here! Its typically not difficult to understand one another with this aspect. With his Venus conjunct your Sun, there's a lot of mutual harmony and admiration that's deeper than the Ascendant conjunction. Scorpio moons have the bedroom eyes. * In romantic relationships, Venus opposition Mars can create a very passionate relationship with well balanced masculine and feminine energies. This doesnt always have to be their actual family, it can be friends they consider family. If either person has some unresolved issues with their identity, it can be magnified in this relationship. Despite Scorpio degrees being secretive, they are possessive when it comes to their partners. The Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect increases your self-esteem and self-confidence. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095, The Overall Theme For Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry, How Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Relationships Promote Growth, Struggles With Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Relationships, Practical Tips For Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Relationships, Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Final Thoughts, Sun Sextile Uranus: Revolutionary, Inventive & Unconventional, Mars Conjunct Jupiter Synastry: A Problem-Solving Team, Cancer Sun Virgo Moon Analytical Intuitive & Warm-Hearted, Scorpio Sun Libra Moon - Faithful & Optimistic, But Always Reserved, Sun Trine Jupiter Synastry: Shared Harmonious Bond, Angel Number 617: Stay on the Path to Greatness, 9494 Angel Number: Keep Working Hard & Serve Others, Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path, Dont get too caught up in appearances: Its important to focus on the connection between you and your partner, not just on how things look from the. Mars Conjunct Pluto showing up in both partners in synastry. This is also the degree of exploring, so theyre likely to explore different kinds of relationships and people who may not be their type. Because of this, I think this also is an anxiety placement since theres so much overthinking and not being able to move on from past events. In a Sun-Ascendant conjunction, the person's ego will be strongly linked to their physical appearance and how they present themselves to the world. I remember reading somewhere that Neptune rules the org*sm so looking at which house it falls in and which planets it aspects can tell you what youre like when you org*sm. taking their partner to a concert, playing romantic music for dinner, etc. This of course can be an issue because their partners may feel like they dont know who they are or their true feelings for them. They dont respond well to being bossed around or their partner wanting them to be the boss. I think Cancer + Pisces works well and Cancers with earth signs. The Sun person is also attracted to the ascendant person on a physical level. Ive also seen this take a dark turn and Ive seen people theyve met online get obsessed with them and start stalking them. Their outward expression is appealing to you and you may desire to know them more personally. I only know that my birth time was between 3 and 4 pm so I used 3:30 pm ( I really dont know weather to use 3 or 4 or leave it blank). Moon-Neptune Aspects (Trine, Conjunction), Mars Conjunct Pluto showing up in both partners in synastry, Sun Conjunct Nessus in Synastry/Dejanira Conjunct Nessus. I know the signs are typically squared, but theyre similar in a quite a few ways. He didnt deserve it, but heyI didnt like him that muchanyway. Since this is also a degree of a parental sign (Capricorn rules the father), like Cancer, people with this degree want a family with their partner. Hi! On a lighter note lol, Libra degrees are the types to want to take their date to art museums, broadway shows, etc. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. . This combination can indicate a strong spiritual link between the two people. They may be motivated to create a life that looks good on the outside or on social media instead of one that is authentic and fulfilling. They want an established home and family with their partner- whether its with kids, pets, or just the two of you. Regardless, once a person masters this placement, they will give you their best and will aim to make you feel your best. The Moon person is always the reactive one in the partnership and the Sun person in the pro-active one and their sense of purpose is keenly felt by the Moon. It is about being playful and childlike, having fun and enjoying life. Moon in the 8th individuals have soft eyes. Not every single woman who has it will be sapphic, but Ive never noticed a sapphic woman without one. And a very strong connection! they maybe boisterous and wild with friends but are calm and soft with their partner. Theyre ruthless, whether its for a good cause or a bad cause. Gemini degrees in love are the types who prefer to be friends with someone before dating them. Speaking ofsynastry, 7th house synastry will really have you questioning if you should marry the person even if you dont like them. Virgo degrees in love are allll about acts of service. . A couple close friends of mine have this and theyre always getting DMs from thirsty ass dudes LMAO. Mars is linked to the 1st and the 8th house in astrology, as well as to the Aries and Scorpio zodiac signs. This start's off as a highly fated feeling , mysterious connection. Sun conjunct Ascendant transit gives a burst of life-giving energy that will revitalize your soul and recharge your batteries. The idea of being watched excites them. Each person is able to support the other in their endeavors. If the Sun is weak or afflicted in a persons chart, they may have issues with self-esteem. For example, they wont be ogled in the street or be asked straight up to have s*x, but theyll get to know someone and that person will start saying s*xual stuff to them. They are also are very nurturing in love and want to nurtured. Since this is also a humanitarian degree, they also might want to volunteer for a date. Cancer Mercury and Libra Mercury friendships are so underrated imo. Aries degrees also tend to fall in love quickly, and want the relationship to move quickly. Since this is also a fairly creative aspect, Pisces degrees will likely show their love to their partner in creative ways as well, i.e. Theres also a possibility that these two people will focus too much on their identities and the perception of others. Ive also noticed Asteroid Sappho making aspects to angles, personal planets, or in angular houses in sapphic women as well. Theyre also very fun and creative, theyll likely make creative projects with you as their muse. Sun-Moon aspects can bring out the brilliance of the Sun person, and the Moon is yielding, soft, adaptable, and fluid. my friend has the exact same big 6!!!! He found a significant proportion had Sun conjunct Moon, Moon conjunct Moon conjunct Ascendant, and reported his findings in monograph, Synchronicity - An Acausal Connecting principle. What about the other Sun-ascendant aspects in synastry, such as the trine, sextile, opposition, square? This can create a powerful energy that amplifies the qualities of both planets. Chiron aspects in Synastry - Uranian Goddess He found a significant proportion had Sun conjunct Moon, Moon conjunct Moon conjunct Ascendant, and reported his findings in monograph, Synchronicity - An Acausal Connecting principle. Ive noticed people with their Mars at 0 degrees tend to not be very s*xual or dont care much about it, like it happens when it happens, sort of attitude. Its as if they can look into each others souls and understand what motivates them. They may even both share physical qualities such as their build, hair, or eye color. In some of the older textbooks when the Moon belonged to the woman and the Sun belonged to the man and both were in conjunction or harmonious aspect it was said that she would make the best of wives. All in all, mastered Cancer degrees are your traditional and soft romantics and your unevolved Cancer degrees are clingy overly emotional bitches. I have this with a few people and Ill randomly start thinking about marrying them and Im like nope. Alternatively, they can also be the types to struggle to fall in love, this can perhaps be to past ab*se whether its in love or an ab*sive upbringing that may make it hard for them to fall in love. The King and Queen, the male and female. They may be shy or withdrawn. Ive noticed women with Lilith in the 11th get hit on a lot on social media. They can be very jealous. This of course is a downfall of Libra degrees. No one can control us or take that away from us. Can we overcome Mars square Mars in synastry? Cancer moons be giving Shakespearian monologues whenever youve made them upset. they start dating at a later age. Like Virgo degrees, they also love helping their partner and doing things for them. With the easy contacts there is co-operation and both illuminate one another, the Moon bathes in the warmth of the Sun and feels reflective, contemplative and warmed in his/her presence, and feels safe expressing their vulnerable side. I dont know Ive just noticed this. Not necessarily super famous..just a singer of any sort? This is not a relationship that is based on illusion or fantasy. Here are some tips for making the most of this relationship when things get tough: The Sun is the ruler of the sign Leo. Our Ascendant sign teaches us about the energy we put out into the world, and how we can use it to our advantage. Theyre the type to flirt with their partners by making subtle dirty jokes and are very sensual. The ascendant is our public persona, the mask we wear for the world. MoonsEye Astrology - Tumblr sun conjunct ascendant synastry Meaning of the Sun in Astrology Everyone knows their Sun sign, even people who don't know anything about astrology. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. Overall, Libra degrees are romantic and creative lovers when evolved. I feel like Scorpios tend to use the Cancers to heal themselves and they tend to form trauma bonds with Cancers. If both individuals are willing to put in the work, this can be a very rewarding and satisfying union. Water sun/mars + fire moon or vice versa. Tumblr To work with the Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, you have to know the exact time of birth of the ascendant person. Theres definitely a possibility here with the Taurus moon. It will help you to grow in a healthy and realistic way. Juno conjunct Ascendant would create instant attraction for the Juno person and make the Ascendant person think the Juno person presents as their ideal partner. (The third house is typically associated with cars, some say the 4th, but I think its the third since 3rd house energy is more on the go and 4th house energy is a home-body type of energy). Sagittarius degrees also can be very selective with who they date, and this again can make it very hard for them to settle down. Like I have asteroid Apollo opposition my ascendant, and Ive had so many people who try to challenge me, and be intimidated by me for no reason LMAO. Can we overcome Mars square Mars in synastry? Not saying every person with these placements has radical political beliefs but Ive almost never seen a radical and unconventional politician/economist without one. With the Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, the inner self of the Sun person is very similar to the persona of the ascendant person. This aspect brings friction between you. You see the world similarly, and you approach things in a similar way. The twelfth house is a hidden, subtle, intimate house, you rarely go here. It is a supportive and affirming relationship that can help both individuals to reach their potential. Youd think with the Scorpio energy itd be a piercing gaze, but Ive always seen individuals with this having a very soft gaze. and you seek them in others. I noticed from your bio that you have many cancer placements, as do I! ). The inner marriage is the union between opposites: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, spirit and soul, or heaven and earth. Scorpio degrees when in love, will do anything for their partners. Sun-Moon synastry contacts are like the yin and yang of all relationship interactions. Ive seen someone else mention this, and I looked into some famous people who have it, and its true. The Sun trine ascendant synastry aspect is similar to the conjunction, but less intense. a lake, the beach, etc. All in all, Scorpio degrees are intense with how they love, even if they dont show it. However, with an evolved degree in Sagittarius, they are intelligent and adventurous lovers. They also might meet people online, i.e. They like to call the shots in the relationship and are very bold in how they love you. Moon in the 1st makes anyone fairly shy. Moon-Jupiter aspects give big/prominent boobies. Whereas the Sun is focused on the future, and what is coming andwillunfold. I just want to start with, I love your blog and really appreciate your posts so thank you so much for all the work you put into your blog!! However, if these planets are opposed or square to one another we may see the Suns goals in life challenging the basic rhythm and natural flow of the Moon. Idk if this has been asked before but what are your thoughts on the compatibility um idk if belief or theory are the right word, but the view that a person is romantically compatible with someone who has the same Venus sign as their moon sign? They both have to do with your personality and identity, but the ascendant is more like a protective layer, while the Sun is the core of who you are. This can lead to a lack of authenticity if not properly addressed. Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology (Explained A-Z) The sun person may also feel like they can understand the inner workings of the ascendant person on a deep level. I forget where I read it, but Ive found it to be true. Taurus degrees, you must be mindful of when youre showering your partner with affection and luxuries that theyre going to return it in a way that they know how to. This point in the birth chart is an important part of who you are. Im also very loud as well. This will help you to recharge and come back even stronger. These people may feel out of sync at times and may struggle to understand each other. There is a need for validation from others, and they may feel like they have to put on a show in order to get it. Aquarius degrees also are big on surprises in relationships, they love to plan little surprises for their partner, i.e. You foster in each other a sense of self. They show a different side to their partner than they do to everyone else- i.e. A strong Sun in the birth chart suggests a strong self-image, self-confidence, vitality. This is a positive synastry aspect, but its important to be aware of the potential challenges that may come up and how to deal with them. The person looking for answers had to discover the meaning for themselves.When the Sun and Moon are conjunct there is a common and similar approach to life and the way one person moves forward in life the other person has kind of been there before and understands. They have a heavy presence yet their eyes are so soft. You understand each other and feel comfortable in each others company. When these two planets conjoin in synastry, there is a strong focus on identity, both internally and externally. Self-confidence is one of the greatest gifts that this relationship can give. Leo is the sign associated with the fifth house of joy in the natural chart. Saturnian Venus Theyre very smart and they will do whatever they have to in order to get shit done. However in romantic relationships, this aspect can lead to feeling like you rely on the other person for emotional security. Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of the Sun conjunct ascendant synastry aspect in astrology! Theyre also very big on self-expression as well, and are the types to shower you in compliments and be vocal in their love for you. However, an evolved Leo degree is a creative and fun lover, who is bold in how they love you. Ive noticed a lot of politicians and famous people have planets at 0 degrees in their chart. Cap risings have big or unique teeth. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. Gemini deals with duality, and this degree truly shows that. A lot of Ceres aspects (3 or more) can make someone very curvy/thick. I was inspired by their post. Juno Conjunct Vertex. The inner self of the Sun person is very similar to the persona of the Ascendant person. The twelfth house is an unknown realm. Cancer suns and Scorpio suns I just dont dig as a couple and heres why. If there are other positive aspects in the synastry chart, the relationship can still work out, but you have to make adjustments with the Sun square ascendant synastry aspect. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Its been a while, lol. They also like to make jokes during awkward moments and laugh at their own jokes if no one else laughs. The Sun person can increase the social status of the ascendant person with this placement. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Scorpio degrees in love tend to be very secretive and it takes a while for them to let people in. The Ascendant person can help the Sun person to feel more comfortable in their own skin. Sun Conjunct Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - For example they tend to be underestimated in howsavage they can be if you will, they can be very ruthless with their words and tend to be looked over. * If someone's Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is conjunct your descendant or falls in your 7th house, you may feel magnetically attracted to them without knowing why. I could also see Gemini degrees wanting to go on educational dates like taking their partner to a bookstore or a library. Those with harsh Moon-Mars and Moon-Venus aspects in their natal chart tend to attract each other like moths to a flame. * In romantic relationships, Saturn sextile/trine Venus often indicates that it will be a long-lasting relationship that could possibly improve over time. This is the degree of planning, they have their ideal life planned out and if they meet someone who wont be able to fit their plan, then theyre not interested. Of course we still need to look at other synastry contacts in the chart to support this interpretation. In fact it can even indicate a fated relationship, especially if it is Venus that is conjunct the vertex. In relationships, they can also be cold and have a hard time opening up, similarly to Scorpio degrees. Your personality traits dont really get along. Since this degree deals with technology, I could see them preferring to date on dating apps because they find it easier to talk to people that way. Ive noticed that people with an afflicted 3rd house planet ruler and/or having it aspect Saturn or Pluto tend to get their drivers license later than most. Libra degrees, like Leo, express their love to their partner through creative means. Asteroids . This knowledge gives them a great deal of empathy for one another. Be honest with each other: Transparency is key in this relationship. * If someones Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is conjunct your descendant or falls in your 7th house, you may feel magnetically attracted to them without knowing why. Mercury in the 8th people are OBSESSED with revenge andgetting back at people who hurt them. Nothing is too good or too much for their partner. Will I ever sing? Pisces degrees are also intense when it comes to love, its quite literally a drug for them. Ive noticed Cancer placements if sleepy and not near a bed theyll try to make their own makeshift bed, like when I was at school between classes I would line up a bunch of chairs next to each other and lay down and use my backpack as a pillow. Hope this helps! My old boss whos also a Cancer got a lounge chair and would bend it all the way back and put a giant cushion on it and sleep in the back room. Theyll take care of you and be your personal doctor. They also have so much love to give. Its important to remember that this is not a perfect relationship. For example, if your Sun is conjunct with Mars, this will amplify your assertiveness and self-confidence when it comes to your identity. Libra degrees in Venus are also very charming and know how to tell their partners what they want to hear. They may also have difficulty asserting themselves. Mercury in the 8th house individuals LOVE to read smut and write their own. The ascendant describes the first impression you make, while you reveal your Sun in the company of people who already know you. Taurus degrees in love are hardcore romantics, they crave the traditional romance, and love to woo & be wooed. * Pluto square Moon can be an indicator of power struggles. However, I have noticed that this plays out in different ways. Ty in advance and sorry for making this long! When the Sun and Ascendant are in synastry, it is in a very favorable position. He found a significant proportion had Sun conjunct Moon, Moon conjunct Moon conjunct Ascendant, and reported his findings in monograph, Synchronicity An Acausal Connecting principle.However, I read somewhere about the discrepancies of the study, and he only used the conjunction and opposition. With the Sun conjunct descendant synastry aspect, you find the energy of the Sun in your partner. If not creative, theyre at the very least very fun to date. #sun conjunct mars synastry on Tumblr Everyone talks about asteroids conjunct your ascendant, but never talk about the oppositions. Their job is very important to them, and this can be a downside of dating them, in unevolved Virgo degrees, work comes first. With similar views, principles, and missions, they assist each other in accomplishing their dreams. The ascendant changes one degree every four minutes, so you have to know your exact time of birth to calculate it. The Sun represents our ability to procreate, and when the Moon person supports this, it nurtures and feeds the Suns creativity and direction in life. It will also help to bring you a new perspective. These cookies do not store any personal information. There is also a strong physical attraction in this pairing. The ascendant person becomes somewhat vulnerable, but they can strike back if the Sun person causes them pain.

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