And safety must be guaranteed in the case of two faults occurring independently of each other. May 2021 Table 1. Typical gas hazards are from hydrocarbon compounds, but hydrogen and ammonia are also common industrial gases that are flammable. 29 CFR 1910.307 Hazardous (classified) Locations A differentiation is made between gas Ex zones and dust Ex zones: Gas Ex zones are 0/1/2 and dust Ex zones are 20/21/22. Pit will be considered as Zone 1. How to perform Hazardous Area Classification? Click on the zone to learn more about the classification according to IEC 60079-10 standards. Equipment should be tested to ensure that it does not exceed 80%[according to whom?] December 2013, All Zone 1 is an area that is classified 'as a place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture with air or flammable substances in the form of gas, vapours and mists is likely to occur occasionally during normal operation', whereas Zone 2 is an area that is classified 'as a place in which an explosive atmosphere consisting of a mixture All areas in the facility that are not Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2 are considered unclassified. What are 'Dark Factories,' and Do They Really Exist? Practical guidelines for determining electrical area classification Atmospheres containing combustible flyings. What is Zone 2 hazardous area? (ATEX 1999/92/EC) - Pyroban . The more hazardous the area to more safety measures have to be taken in order to prevent equipment becoming an effective source of ignition. For example the EI 15 and API 500/505 describe specific installations and several conditions for the oil and gas industry. >> NEC: Class II, Division 1, Group F. | IEC: Zone 20, Group IIC. Group is divided in three groups where Group I is reserved for mining locations. For Zone 1 applications, Pyroban uses . Where there is potential for an explosive atmosphere, special precautions are needed to prevent fires and explosions. Hazardous areas are classified into 3 zones based upon the frequency of the occurrence and duration of an explosive gas atmosphere, as follows: Zone 0 Area in which an explosive gas atmosphere is present continuously or for long periods or frequently. As a result, all hazardous area equipment must be designed with hazardous area zone classifications in mind, as the zone governs the level of protection and precaution required. 5mm -750C Electrical Resistivity. This temperature is used for classification for industry and technology applications.[6]. One of the hazards of working with flammable substances is an explosion, mostly hand in hand with fire. For example, in the US by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. . the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70, National Electric Code(NEC). Entire Vapour space of storage tank. Only emails and answers are saved in our archive. This is because Zone 0 usually classifies areas for gas storage or containment, and any lighting required would be used on a small and portable basis for visual inspection, e.g. Methane has a UEL of 17 vol%, which means when the concentration of methane in air is above the 17 vol% an explosion cannot occur even when an ignition source is present. [10][11] Some of these are specifically for hazardous locations: All equipment certified for use in hazardous areas must be labelled to show the type and level of protection applied. In recent years also the EPL is specified for several kinds of protection. Comparisons between the two systems are not easily accomplished. A potential few examples of this are: The air space inside a tank of petrol Temporary Refuge The lower explosion limit of a substance is the lowest concentration (in volume percentages for gases and liquids) of a gas or a vapor in air of producing a flash of fire in the presence of an ignition source. Hazardous Area Classifications: What You Need to Know Zone 1 fittings are supplied as silver, Zone 2 as dark grey and industrial fittings as white. [3], Different explosive atmospheres have chemical properties that affect the likelihood and severity of an explosion. Zone 0, 1, and 2 Locations | UpCodes Zone 2 - Explosive atmospheres are unlikely to occur or present only infrequently and for a short period only. In North America the suitability of equipment for the specific hazardous area must be tested by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory, such as UL, FM Global, CSA Group, or Intertek (ETL). What is Hazardous Area Classification? Steps and Guides with PDF Identifying Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2 Hazardous Areas This article covers the requirements for the, Informational Note No. It may exist because of repair, maintenance operations, or leakage. Understanding Class, Divisions, Groups and Zones - Larson Electronics Hazardous Environment Classifications: NEC vs IEC, IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), Group E Metal dusts (eg. The American Petroleum Institute publishes analogous standards in RP500 andRP505. Ignitable concentrations of flammable gases or vapors which are present continuously or for long periods of time. However, at low ambient temperatures, flammable concentrations of vapors may not exist in a location classified Class I, Zone 0, 1, or 2 at normal ambient temperature. The above groups are formed in order of how explosive the material would be if it was ignited, with IIC being the most explosive zone system gas group and IIA being the least. according to ISO standard 80079 series. To make this even easier to understand, take a look at the diagram of a typical petrol station below where we have identified the areas that are classified as Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2. The colour of the luminaire body indicates the level of protection. 286 natural gas explosions per year in the U.S. causing substantial damage, severe injury or loss of lives. June 2019 1: The term "Class I" was originally included as a prefix to, Informational Note No. May 2022 Hazards in this group gas can be ignited very easily indeed. 1: For examples of area classification drawings, see ANSI/API RP 505-2018, Informational Note No. The disadvantage of standards with example installations, is that a huge safety factor is incorporated and thus relative large hazardous area are defined. [12], International Electrotechnical Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, "Hazardous Area Classification and Control of Ignition Sources", "Hazardous (Classified) Locations NEC Articles 500 through 517",, ignitable concentrations of combustible dust can exist, under normal conditions, ignitable concentrations of combustible dust are unlikely to exist normally, ignitable fibers, or materials producing combustible flyings, are handled, manufactured or used, easily ignitable fibers are stored or handled. These are typically process areas where gases are more likely to be present. 29 CFR 1910.399 Definitions Applicable to Subpart S For example, a Class 1, Div 1 area where Group A may be present would be defined as an area where flammable gases or vapors may be present under normal operating conditions. ), Group F Carbon-based (eg. ". A60 These would be then labeled with each of the individual methods. Flour, wood/sawdust, plastic dust), IIC Conductive dusts (eg. The CE mark is complemented with the Ex mark: A yellow-filled hexagon with the Greek letters (epsilon chi), followed by the Group, Category, and, if Group II, G or D (gas or dust). Identifying Zone 0, Zone 1, and Zone 2 Hazardous Areas. Use this hazardous area guide to NFPA 70 location classes, divisions & groups to understand potentially dangerous situations at a glance. For specific industries, the specific codes for that industry are important to use. An area where combustible dusts or ignitable fibers and flyings are likely to occur under normal operating conditions. 2: For the requirements for electrical and electronic. Hazardous Area Zone Classification - EUTEX International | For Gas/Vapor this would be Zone 0. The four steps involved in hazardous area classification are: Determine the type of hazard or "class" that might be presentcombustible gas (Class I), combustible dust (Class II), or fibers (Class III). March 2021 Electrical equipment installation in atmosphere with flammable gases or vapors, flammable liquids, combustible dusts, ignitable fibers or flyings represents a risk for fire and explosion. This equipment is intended for use in Zone 1 (gases) or Zone 21 (dusts). Electrical equipment can and does cause fires and/or explosions in certain atmospheres. September 2018 So the flammable range of a substance is the concentration of gases and vapors in air between the Lower Explosion Limit and the Upper Explosion Limit. All rights reserved. (Hazardous Area Classification) . The Raytec SPARTAN range includes dedicated luminaires for both Zone 1 and Zone 2 areas as well as industrial applications. We will go deeper into ignition assessments in another blog. This is presented by the Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) of a substance. may exist under normal or abnormal conditions because of the presence of flammable gases or vapors, combustible dusts or ignitable fibers or flyings. The flash point determines if an area needs to be classified. EN 16985 concerning spray cabins and powder coating cabins, EN 12779 related to extraction systems for hot sawdust and chips, EN 60079-10 series, 2020 version for gas and dust explosion hazard, NPR 7910 series for gas and dust explosion hazard based on EN 60079-10-1, 2015 version, EN 13617 for fuel dispensers at filling stations. As world trade becomes more globalized, international standards are slowly converging, so that a wider range of acceptable techniques can be approved by national regulatory agencies. to EN 1127-1): After the hazard area classification is completed, then the ignition assessment starts. gas, vapours, mists and dusts). Area which are not devided into Atex zones, are called non-hazardous area's. Class / Division System In Northerm America, instead of the zone classification system, the Class/Division system is used. June 2020 A hazardous area can be defined as any location where there is risk of an explosion. Sources of such hazards include gases, vapors, dust, fibers, and flyings, which are combustible or flammable. eg Production Area, area surrounding zone 0. Zone type (0/1/2/ 20/21/ 22) Zone extent. Documentation requirements likewise vary. A Zone 0 location is a location in which one of the following . Source: Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Mobile Offshore Units, Part 7, Safety Systems, Hazardous Areas and Fire, June 2013, Lloyd's Register, Global Standards. PDF HazLoc Hand Chart The Zone system is based on Article 505/506 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and follows the international method of area classification as developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). 1: As a guide in determining when flammable gases or vapors are present continuously or for long periods of time, refer to ANSI/API RP 505-2018, Informational Note No. Temporary Refuge (TR) Shelter Arc-producing elements can be isolated from the atmosphere, by encapsulation in, Heat-producing elements can be designed to limit their maximum temperature below the. Lets take a look at what defines each zone. Class I, Zone 0 or Zone 1 locations may not abut Class I, Division 1 or Division 2 locations. Determined to be none of the above. 2: This classification includes, Informational Note No. The two general approaches are: Several techniques of flame-proofing exist, and they are often used in combination: Equipment has flameproof gaps (max 0.006" (150m) propane/ethylene, 0.004" (100m) acetylene/hydrogen), Equipment can be installed in ANY housing provided to IP54.A 'Zener Barrier', opto-isolator or galvanic unit may be used to assist with certification. Increased safety "e" -- This protection technique is permitted for equipment in the Class I, Zone 1 locations for which it is approved. Hazardous Area Classification, Gas Vapours and Dust Groups - YouTube As a guide for Zone 0, this can be defined as over 1000 hours/year or >10% of the time. Readers with specific questions should refer to the applicable standards or consult with an attorney. 2) MIC (Minimum Igniting Current) Ratio - The ratio of the minimum current required from an inductive spark discharge to ignite the most easily ignitable mixture of a gas or vapor, divided by the minimum current required from an inductive spark discharge to ignite methane under the same test conditions. December 2021 NEC 2 Divisions (Div 1 2) Division I Comprising of Area Same as Zone 0 1. Area Classification - Hazardous Locations are classified by the likelihood of an ignitable concentration of combustible material being present. 2: For Group IIIC combustible dusts or metal combustible fibers/flyings, there shall only be Zone 20 or 21 locations. And there are three corresponding zones for dust: Zone 20, Zone 21 and Zone 22. Examples are: production facilities in the food industry, chemical plants, oil & gas, and the pharmaceutical industry etc. NFPA 70 NEC Classes, Divisions and Groups. Overview of Hazardous Areas | Expo Technologies Division 2 is equivalent to Zone 2, while Division 1 is either Zone 0 or 1. Equipment can be designed or modified for safe operation in hazardous locations. In the US, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) defines standards for enclosure types for a variety of applications. Zones 1 or 2. The IEC 60079 standard set has been adapted for use in Australia and New Zealand and is published as the AS/NZS 60079 standard set. Atmosphere containing flammable gas, flammable liquid produced vapor, or combustible liquid produced vapor mixed with air that may burn or explode, having either a MESG value greater than 0.75 mm or a MIC ratio greater than 0.80 - such as gasoline, acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, ethanol, hexane, methanol, methane, vinyl chloride, natural gas, naphtha, propane or gases of equivalent hazard. The IEC standard EN 60079-33 is made public and is expected to become effective soon, so that the normal Ex certification will also be possible for Ex-s, Zone depending upon manufacturer's certification, explosive atmosphere between 10 and 1000 hrs/yr, explosive atmosphere between 1 and 10 hrs/yr, explosive surface between 10 and 1000 hrs/yr, explosive surface between 1 and 10 hrs/yr, Certified and labeled for use in indoor locations rated NEC Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D, Certified and labeled for use in locations rated NEC Class I, Groups A, B, C, and D; both indoors and outdoors, Certified and labeled for use in locations rated NEC Class II, Groups E, F, or G, Explosion protected, Group 2, Category 1, Gas, Type ia, Group 2C gases, Temperature class 4, Type n, non-sparking, Group 2 gases, Temperature class 3, special conditions apply. Zone 22 Zone 21 Zone20 A hazardous atmosphere formed by dust cloud in air is not likely to occur in . 0. These applications will - due to browser restrictions - send data between your browser and our server. August 2022 0,1 or 2: II B: I: 1 or 2: C: Acetone Benzene Butane Hexane . But beside electrical equipment also mechanical equipment must be Ex certified, e.g. This value of this LOC differs per substance and depends also on the inert gas for achieving a low oxygen concentration. Purged and pressurized -- This protection technique is permitted for equipment in the Class I, Zone 1 or Zone 2 locations for which it is approved. Class defines the general nature (or properties) of the hazardous material in the surrounding atmosphere. Get more great content like this sent to your inbox. Zone 0 - Explosive atmospheres present continuously long periods or frequently. So a zone 0 is the most hazardous zone and a zone 2 is a less hazardous zone. Hazardous Location Classification Guide: NEC vs. IEC BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMBESS) January 2023 A Zone defines the general nature - if it is a gas or dust - and the probability of hazardous material being present in an ignitable concentration in the surrounding atmosphere. September 2022 Atmospheres containing propane, acetone, benzene, butane, methane, petrol, hexane, paint solvents or gases and vapors of equivalent hazard. If you require more information on the different variants in the SPARTAN range, or you would like to discuss your application in more detail, you can call us on +44 (0) 1670 520055 or send an email to sales@raytecled.comwhere we will happily answer any questions you have. Note to paragraph (c)(3) of this section: The National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, contains guidelines for determining the type and design of equipment and installations that will meet this requirement. Other ignition sources can also be present, like static electricity. NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code (NEC), defines area classification and installation principles. Class defines the type of explosive or ignitable substances which are present in the atmosphere. Also known as non-hazardous or ordinary locations, these locations are determined to be neither Class I, Division 1 or Division 2; Zone 0, Zone 1 or Zone 2; or any combination thereof. Classification of areas and selection of equipment and wiring methods shall be under the supervision of a qualified registered professional engineer. When equipment must be placed in a hazardous location, it can be designed to reduce the risk of fire or explosion. See below for further details: Division system sample marking IECEx Karandikar Certification UL and C-UL Hazardous Areas Certification for North America The key difference between Divisions and Zones relate to terminations. Area Classification. Area classification is not simply intended to identify hazardous areas on process plants where design has already been completed using only operational and economic factors as influence,. Area ClassificationThe max surface temp. July 2022 Hazardous areas are those defined as areas of potential explosion risk due to the presence of flammable gas or vapor. October 2022 Hazardous area classification for electrical systems - PetroWiki Equipment is pressurised to a positive pressure relative to the surrounding atmosphere with air or an inert gas, thus the surrounding ignitable atmosphere can not come in contact with energized parts of the apparatus. Iso Container >> NEC: Class I, Division 2, Group D. | IEC: Zone 2, Group II. Groups E, F, and G are for dusts and flyings (Class II or III). * Zone 1 a location in which explosive gas atmospheres are likely to occur during normal operation, or which is adjacent to a Zone 0 location. PDF Zone Hazardous Location - Rockwell Automation Hazardous area equipment is categorized into category-1 for Zone 0 or Zone 20, category-2 for Zone 1 or Zone 21, and category-3 for Zone 2 or Zone 22. Entire Vapour space of storage tank. . For equipment with metric threaded entries, such entries shall be identified as being metric, or listed adaptors to permit connection to conduit of NPT-threaded fittings shall be provided with the equipment. Examples are: In another blog we, will explain how to perform Hazardous Area Classification according to the Standard EN-IEC 60079-10-1. Class 1 / Division 2 and ATEX Zone 2 Explained - Assured Systems November 2021 National Electrical Code (NEC) and the 1998 Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) now recognize the use of the Zone system for classification of hazardous areas. Hazardous Area Types and Classifications - Ampcontrol Conversely if the same material is heated and handled above its flash-point, the area must be classified for proper electrical system design, as it will then form an ignitable mixture.[5]. IEC 60079-10-1 covers classification of explosive gas atmospheres, and IEC 60079-10-2 explosive dust. A: Yes. . Which Standards to use for Hazardous Area Classification. CUTTING SKIPS 1994-2020, W.W. Grainger, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Intrinsic safety designs equipment to operate using minimal energy, insufficient to cause ignition. coal and charcoal), Group G Nonconductive dusts (eg. less than 0.45 mm or MIC ratio is less than 0.40. Class II combustible dusts are grouped into one of three (3) groups: E combustible metal dusts, F combustible carbonaceous dusts or G other combustible dusts. Zones also have the added benefit of including the area classification with the zone description. The following content is only related to flammable substances and not to pyrotechnic substances or other instable substances, among those who can decompose. A list must be drawn up of every explosive material that is on the refinery or chemical complex and included in the site plan of the classified areas. The value is represented is volume percentage of oxygen. Zone 1 is an area in which an explosive atmosphere is likely to occur occasionally in normal operation. Ambient Temperature (-20C to +40C if not marked) Establish Zone Based on "IEC 60079-10". This article is not a substitute for review of current applicable government regulations, industry standards, or other standards specific to your business and/or activities and should not be construed as legal advice or opinion. Wide known is that al electrical equipment within hazardous areas must be Ex certified for use in the appropriate hazardous area (zone or class/division). Whenever you are filling up your tank you are standing in a Zone 1 hazardous area. The Regulations define 3 zones that can exist within a hazardous area: Zone 0 - A place in which an explosive atmosphere is present continuously or for long periods.

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