Bracket a, b isn't an array, is it? In order to execute the nested destructuring assignment, you have to enclose the variables in an array structure (by enclosing inside []). And then it goes into that 4, 5, 6 and it says c should be the value 4 and d should be the value 5. I am trying to convert an object to a leaner version using destructuring. [00:03:03] No need to duplicate it in js.comment, it's just right there in the structure, okay? Because I just said, and that's what prompted me to go off on this little rabbit trail. In the code below options has another object in the property size and an array in the property items. What happening here is that there's an assignment expression happening and the end result of the assignment expression is itself of value. It was introduced to JavaScript by ES6 ( version 6 of the ECMA Script programming language) and has provided developers with an increased amount of utility when accessing data properties in Objects or Arrays. To output values from 2D and 3D arrays, employ nested loops to return array data. The following function returns an array that contains an element which is another array, or nested array: Since the third element of the returned array is another array, you need to use the nested array destructuring syntax to destructure it, like this: That's what comes back from the assignment, okay? Simple destructuring looks as follows: const { target } = event; Here we use {} and = to name a variable the same as the property name (you can also use an alias while destructuring! So if I go back to the declaration syntax, it's a little easier for us, okay.>> Speaker 5: Not that I would encourage doing it but does it work if you don't have a var and you treat that as global's? I want to go back to this particular case. Similar to arrays, destructuring an object for specific properties is as easy as wrapping the variables inside of curly brackets to denote we are doing object destructuring. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. var [title, innerData] = [data.title, => ({title:o.title}))]; using JSON.stringify(), JSON.parse() var [title, innerData] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([data.title, … ... 4 Ways to Populate an Array in JavaScript. But with the rains this position is either ...args. [00:04:27] Remember I switched from doing declaration syntax to doing general assignments syntax. Destructuring syntax can be applied to destructure the parameters in a function. Destructuring has made extracting data from an array very simple and readable. In the code below options has another object in the property size and an array in the property items. Grabbing a nested object value is a bit more complicated, however: const x = { y: { z: { a: 1, b: 2} } } const { y: { z: { b } } } = x; console.log( b); console.log( z); console.log( y); We can use the power of destructuring to select a specified set of... Nested Array Destructuring. [00:07:41]>> Speaker 6: Cuz it's still an assignment target.>> Kyle Simpson: Cuz it's still on the left hand side of that assignment. If the (…) operator appear on the left-hand side in destructuring then it is a REST PARAMETER. [00:06:55] So here we have, what do you think, Would be the value of x?>> Kyle Simpson: First off, do you think this is valid syntax, yes or no?>> Kyle Simpson: And by that, I mean, convince yourself that it is valid syntax. You can also set default parameters during the destructuring. [00:03:22] The time spent for you to learn how this works, pays off far beyond just that one line of code.>> Kyle Simpson: Question about array and object? This allows you to extract data from an array even if the array itself is not on the top-level. That would be very tedious. The new (…) operator that was added in ES6 can be used in destructuring. If an object or an array contain other nested objects and arrays, we can use more complex left-side patterns to extract deeper portions. Learn to code — free 3,000-hour curriculum. [00:02:42] And what you do is take a capture of that API structure and put it into your JS.comment. Because now it starts to teach you something about the bigger aspect of what's going in coding. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. If the number of variables passed to the destructuring array literals are lesser than the elements in the array, the elements without variables to be mapped to are just left. It creates a pattern that describes the kind of value you are expecting and makes the assignment. A nested array destructuring that says, make d the first one, I don't care about the second one, and make e the third one, for example. Tell me what the structure of args would be.>> Speaker 2: The array four, five, six>> Kyle Simpson: No.>> Speaker 2: An array where the first item is array 4,5,6-. [00:12:33] There's a reason why I teach with the foo and the var. Okay, I could also another destructuring, which doesn't care about any of those first ones, but starts breaking down 4, 5, 6. Yes, it is possible to destructure nested arrays (and objects). Okay, I'll spread that out so it's a little easier to read. [00:05:35] And we'll get to that in a moment. Destructuring also works for nested objects. Which is saying, any items that are left in my array should all be collected up into an array called arg. The "Nested Array Destructuring" Lesson is part of the full, JavaScript: The Recent Parts course featured in this preview video. A nested data structure is an array or object which refers to other arrays or objects, i.e. [00:01:38] So now d is going to be the value 4 and e's going to be the value 6. I'm teaching the concepts with the simple stuff, and then we try to apply it with less weird stuff. [00:10:59] And collect in the args the value 3 and the value 4, 5, 6. Here, the variable y and z are assigned nested elements two and three. [00:00:03]>> Kyle Simpson: If we can destructure a single level of arrays, we can obviously destructure nested arrays. One destructuring expression can be used in swapping the values of two variables. (It works similar to assigning default values when destructuring objects) Destructuring nested arrays # const users = [["robot", 21], ["person", 34]]; How can we access "robot" element? In this case, your code would look just like this: A nested array destructuring that says, make d the first one, I don't care about the second one, and make e the third one, for example. Does that help?>> Speaker 4: Oscar has a question about why do you need all those vars at line five?>> Kyle Simpson: Only because I'm not putting the var right here. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. When we talk about object destructuring, you'll see those use property names to be the mapping. Or it's a variable called d, or it's a destructuring pattern that's broken down further. const robotName = users [0] [0]; console. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson. Like we did in the case of destructuring a nested array, we have to embed an object literal inside the first one, and then include the key of the value we want to destructure. But here there's an implicit mapping from zero to a, and from 1 to b. You use an array literal on the left-hand side of the assignment. If the (…) operator appears on the right-hand in destructuring then it is a SPREAD SYNTAX. Imagine trying to extract data from a nested array with 5 or 6 levels. So there's going to be a single array holding that one value at position zero. Actually you kind of can, because you can chain multiple destructuring patterns together, since every destructuring assignment returns the original full array. [00:09:35] I just said, well, you can either account for a position using a lexical name or using a ...gather or using a nested destructure. With arrays of dimension greater than one, you maintain separate loop counters for each array … What about args?>> Speaker 7: Do you still think of using that here? Another thing before we move on to talking about objects is this idea that, I'm not sure I have the best way to illustrate this. [00:13:10]>> Speaker 7: Whatever.>> Kyle Simpson: Or vowels.>> [INAUDIBLE]>> Kyle Simpson: Yeah, I was just stuck in the mindset for the->> Speaker 7: Now I'm happier. You document what you're expecting by doing the destructuring pattern according to what you're expecting to get back. [00:01:18] What if I wanted 4, 5, and 6 individually addressable? Nested patterns can become difficult to understand, so they are best used in moderation. [00:09:12] But x wouldn't exist, so you would need to declare x.>> Speaker 6: [INAUDIBLE] But otherwise, same result, correct?>> Kyle Simpson: Same result, okay? Array destructuring uses position, just like regular arrays use position. Yep, we're going to get to mixing them in just a little bit.>> Speaker 3: A moment ago on line eleven you had ...args.>> Kyle Simpson: Yep. And there's a reason why I try to make your exercises not necessarily use too much of the foo in the var. args would be an array with one item in it. [00:00:58]>> Kyle Simpson: Exactly. Destructuring nested arrays. All right, but what if I didn't want that? There is now a feature called object destructuring for accessing nested objects. That will be different when we get to objects, it will be possible to double account for something with objects. When we destructure nested objects, we have to m… Trong các ví dụ từ đầu đến thời điểm này, các giá trị được destructure chỉ là các mảng và đối tượng đơn giản. Trên thực tế Destructuring Assignment có thể được sử dụng cho cả nested arrays và nested objects. Why is this necessary? First, create a nested array: // Create a nested array const nestedArray = [1, 2, [3, 4], 5] Then destructure that array and log the new variables: // Destructure nested items const [one, two, [three, four], five] = nestedArray console.log(one, two, three, four, five) You will receive the following output: Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. [00:10:32]>> Kyle Simpson: Okay, let me try to use some whitespace here to help make this a little bit more readable.>> Kyle Simpson: So let's go from the bottom to the top. For this, let's create a nested array of numbers and destructure it to save the values into the new variables. Array destructuring uses position. [00:02:27] And then I'd have my two or three little variables that I cared about like first name and e-mail address and those the only ones I care about and the pattern becomes a self documentation. It is like gathering what is left behind. The item in that one position in args would be the array 4, 5, 6, okay? So, we could of done var here, and then had a var av.>> Kyle Simpson: And args, or we could have done all of them. It takes each variable on the array literal on the left-hand side and maps it to the same element at the same index in the array. We destructure, assign a to the value 1, b to the value 2. Cuz x would be the entirety of foo?>> Kyle Simpson: If you did that,>> Kyle Simpson: Now you're declarator with applied var a and b. When you want to use destructuring to get some value from nested array, you have to follow the structure of the original array. I know why you do this, but I thought maybe you'd want to->> Kyle Simpson: I understand the request for more concrete names. [00:12:50] That's not always the case, a few of the exercises have to use those but. Destructuring in JavaScript is a simplified method of extracting multiple properties from an array by taking the structure and deconstructing it down into its own constituent parts through assignments by using a syntax that looks similar to array literals. Destructuring is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into distinct variables. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson: Kyle demonstrates how to to access a returned data structure's values when it is known that there are nested arrays. [00:01:38] So now d is going to be the value 4 and e's going to be the value 6. We already saw that earlier in one of our exercises where I assigned an arrow function to a very variable in the arrow function came back from the assignment. Ryan Todd Garza in JavaScript In Plain English. JavaScript. A match block can destructure items in a variety of ways.. Destructuring Tuples; Destructuring Enums; Destructuring Pointers The destructuring assignment allows you to assign items of arrays or properties of objects to separate variables. It is a special syntax that unpacks arrays and objects into multiple variables. It is like providing a fallback when nothing is found. Array destructuring uses position, just like regular arrays use position. ... Nested Object Destructuring. When we have the property, then we can break it into smaller parts by destructuring. Well, I can do array destructuring, right inside of my pattern. What is Destructuring? In JavaScript (and other programming languages) we often work with groups of data like Array and Object. Exactly like how we do default value assignment to Object destructuring, we can do for array... Destructure selected elements from the Array. One thing to remember. Because you need to document what the hell you're expecting to come back from this function call right now your pattern becomes your self document. When you can have more variables on the left-hand side, it maps the single elements in the array equally to the variables. You can also do nested destructuring with arrays. You would have written more lines of code, but destructuring simplifies it all. We can nest destructuring variables to match nested entries of an array and object, giving us fine-grained control of what we select. Nested Destructuring Assignments in JavaScript Simple Object Destructuring. How many of you have ever done before, have some kind of API that you're consuming? Many people think that x will be the array of 1 and 2. Object Destructuring with “Rest” Syntax. The var is only gonna apply to the left most pattern. The corresponding item must be an array in order to use a nested destructuring array literal to assign items in it to local variables. ☺️ [00:06:23]>> Kyle Simpson: What's happening here if we went back to that simple case, is we do have a declaration that's occurring. [00:06:38] Just keep it simpler. The destructuring assignment is a very useful addition to ES6 that allows us to extract values from arrays, or properties from objects, into a bunch of distinct variables. [00:02:01] Because we're using the position, instead of the property name.>> Kyle Simpson: So now you can start to see, you can start to visualize that if I had a really complex structure coming back from an API. But we also have- and actually, this is going to be a lot simpler if I do it this way. Destructuring for nested objects. That's what I meant when I said earlier that the destructuring becomes a thing that pays off bigger than just itself. Frontend Masters is proudly made in Minneapolis, MN. As illustrated in the example below, we have set the default value of enrolled to true. You can make a tax-deductible donation here. But then you have the question of, if you're in strict mode, which you should be in strict mode, then you're going to get an error. That is, we can extract data from arrays and objects and assign them to variables. The whole array, right? [00:08:29] So x is actually gonna be the whole thing 1, 2, 3 with an array in 4,5,6. You then just put the object you want to get the values from on the right side of the equals sign. to maintain innerData variable name you can use array destructuring of object. [00:11:25] So it is possible to chain multiple destructuring patterns together to accomplish that trick of doing accounting for the array in multiple ways.>> Kyle Simpson: Any questions about array destructuring?>> Speaker 7: When you do multiple levels like this do you have to have the, I'm assuming you need like var a, b outside of the-. Destructuring is not just for Objects, you can even use it on an Array! If the number of variables passed to the destructuring array literals are more than the elements in the array, then the variables which aren’t mapped to any element in the array return undefined. You can also destructure nested arrays. ...args is at the top level of our array destructuring pattern. You can also use destructuring on nested arrays, so lets say you have now an array of numbers. The destructuring assignment uses similar syntax, but on the left-hand side of the assignment to define what values to unpack from the sourced variable. Sophia Shoemaker. So I'm going to go back to that case where I'm just doing destructuring and sign it without declaration. First the foo function returns us an array. Destructuring provides a simple yet effective way of creating variables out of pieces of an array, or properties of an object—this approach usually allows for better and more understandable code. Why is it valid syntax?>> Kyle Simpson: Why is this, for example, not an array? I could have a nice little nested list of all the stuff that I cared about nesting down in array, inside of an object, inside of an array, inside or whatever. With a one-dimensional (1D) array, a single cfloop is sufficient to output data, as in the previous example. Then we say the whole array again is returned, and then we do another destructuring, which throws away the first three. It takes all the other elements in the array which have no variable mapped to them and then maps it to the rest variable. Simple Array Destructuring. That's a subtle but really important processing signal. When destructuring nested objects we can destructure them by nesting as the objects or arrays are nested. its values are arrays or objects. But I want to go back to the case where we don't have the declarator involved. What is args gonna have in this particular case? Can you turn through that one again?>> Kyle Simpson: Yep, let's go through this one more time. 1. const {name, email, last_purchases: {item_name, quantity}} = current_customer. [00:09:58] So I could say something like a, b, ...args, which is going to collect three and the array 4, 5, 6 in. You can destructure an array more than once in the same code snippet. As long as I had those as locations that I could assign to. The Rest variable must always be the last otherwise a SyntaxError is thrown. Destructuring is a convenient way of accessing multiple properties stored in objects and arrays. [00:03:43]>> Speaker 3: And I don't think I ever got how that would come back as a single element within an array. Learn to code for free. Destructuring also works with nested arrays. [00:13:34] But when we get to the end of the destructuring, the exercise that you do on destructuring is a more concrete example. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson: Kyle demonstrates how to to access a returned data structure's values when it is known that there are nested arrays. Such structures can be accessed by consecutively applying dot or bracket notation. And I could also have another destructuring.>> Kyle Simpson: I'm going to start breaking these on multiple lines for readability. But you can do multiples. [00:08:08] But that is the wrong thinking, because that is thinking that bracket a, b is an array. You with me? [00:05:00] Cuz that's not allowed in strict mode.>> Kyle Simpson: Okay so,>> Kyle Simpson: We can either account for one of the values here, or we can destructure it. You can also do nested destructuring with arrays. ). Destructuring makes working with a function that returns an array as a value more precise. var numbers = [8, [1, 2, 3], 10, 12]; var [a, [d, e, f]] = numbers; console.log(a); // Output: 8 console.log(d); // Output: 1 console.log(e); // Output: 2 Multiple Array Destructuring Nested destructuring. So I could, it might be the case, that I would have in this position an array that had [4, 5, 6] in a nested array. A Rest parameter is used to map all the remaining elements in the array that have not been mapped to the rest variable itself. , and help pay for servers, services, and help pay for servers, services, the... Foo and the var is only what I meant when I said that! Variable must always be the whole thing 1, 2, 3 with an array arg... Now a feature called object destructuring for accessing nested objects would be an array in to! Destructuring assignment syntax we select, let 's go through this one more time pattern according what. 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