OP, I'm pretty sure I just rambled and totally forgot your question. [p] In a long term marriage, Mars had a slight stroke at this time. For the most part, it is a passive contact, where the efforts of both go into other directions rather than toward each other. Moon Conjunct Venus will never stop loving each other. 79, Section 3, New Taipei Blvd., Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, 242032 +886 2 8522 9980. I would love to have mercury Saturn synastry help me edit my writing professionally. quite literal differences -- my friend comes from a different kind of home life, wealthier than i, and he's much younger than me, too (well, i'm 35 and he's like 27). Welcome to Lindaland (Linda-Goodman.com) Lindaland Astrology 2.0 Saturn conjunct Saturn in synastry . Saturn needs to face his or her fears and consciously work on not clamping down on Moon, and Moon, instead of reacting defensively to Saturn, must also look to see whether Saturn does have a point, so to speak, and Moon can actually benefit from some of the more reasonable boundaries that Saturn seems to draw. MERCURY TRINE SATURNMercury has a spontaneous and natural contact with Saturn in which he can easily handle any difficulty that arises. [p] There are only four examples where the contact is not set in the home environment. If I didnt talk enough or begin enough conversations, he would think I was not interested enough. Mercury had a baby bleed to death at birth, Mars had a baby stillborn. MERCURY SEXTILE NEPTUNEMercury has the ability to see the ideal quality of Neptune. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects Mercury can tap the spiritual heights with Pluto. In fact, the Venus conjunct Saturn synastry aspect indicates that even the honeymoon phase might feel sort of lackluster. In another case a Mercury man lost his reputation when his girl friend Saturn had an abortion. The way they think and talk fascinates them. when we do get together -- it's yak yak yak, and the communication spills way over the top and just keeps on pouring out. Where they reach an understanding and identification on a personal level, their basic personality, disposition and attitudes do not blend. The two can easily reconcile their differences with a little effort. [p] The examples include a warm friendship between a young Negro man and an older Caucasian woman, who met weekly for several years in a study class. The person was a your lover in a past life. In fact, anything that happens outside of the relationship in the area represented by the personal planet can be seen as a threat to the exclusive bond the couple had at the beginning of the relationship. The actress receied national accliam for a movie role at the same time that she and her mother received discredit for their personal relationship. With repeated experiences in which the personal planet meets a critical or cold response from Saturn as a result of a spontaneous comment or action, the personal planet begins to censor himself or herself, and spontaneity is lost. [p] The severest examples have underhanded deceit, cold loathing, or tragedy. Synastry:Venus-MarsAspectsBetweenTwoCharts But it's still frustrating (pluto = too many power struggles. i have to say the merc north parallel merc is so spot on! [p] If Mercury does not accept this opportunity at the time that it is offered, the chance passes like a dream. They do have some of the characteristics described above, but generally there is less defensiveness between the two, and criticism is constructive if it exists. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects MERCURY SQUARE VENUS[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY SQUARE MOON[Has already been requested and posted], MERCURY CONJUNCT MOON[Has already been requested and posted]. Periods of emotional distance and subsequent feelings that the relationship may be too heavy to maintain are often followed by tearful and emotional reunions when both parties feel that they need each other desperately, and that the attachment runs deeper than is always apparent. Synastry:Mercury-SaturnAspects When the individual makes good use of that Mars energy force in construction, creation, sex, or action, it cannot accumulate into trauma. This cross-aspect is a powerful one. like ever. In an example of two men with Mercury conjunct Jupiter, both were important in their profession; Mercury had received world renown. They parted into different group environments, but still cooperated in their business settlement. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Most likely, this couple has met before and is here to work out their karma. This synastry aspect indicates that in the past life, there . They would separate for months to years at a time, and come together again at the time of a subtle inversion of change in their life patterns. It was she who fired his full passion of devotion to the general good. The personal planet person feels like he or she has to constantly monitor what he or she does or says in the presence of the Saturn person. That's my idea of editing heaven. The truth of this statement would really be only . Do you attribute more to the negative pluto aspects or the saturn/merc aspect? Saturn may deal with this fear by putting down the experience, punching holes in the theory that this threatening other has presented to Mercury. "Well, too bad," and he went on to other fields, leaving Saturn with a heavy financial loss. Synastry:SunMarsAspects While Mercury is usually a helpful planet and helps with communication, this planet has another, less savory role. He was in a political office where divorce would jeopardize his public position. Question: Is the north parallel the same as regular parallel and the south parallel the same as contraparallel? What generally happens is that the security that bound the two together in the first place feels threatened on the part of the Saturn person as the personal planet person changes or grows. [p] When there is a question regarding the Mercury-Mars possibility of injury, careful attention must be given to the radical and progressed charts of both persons for bad health or accident proclivities. There was an occasional critical disagreement, or a trauma or minor injury to Mercury or Mars. [p] In these examples we have a fraternal contact of ten years cohabitation, friendships and business acquaintances of longer periods. She lived for 20 years with her first husband, a cold, reserved older man who gave her financial and social security. my Mercury Quinqunx her Neptuneher Mercury Trine my UranusMercury Semi-Square Uranusmy Mercury Opposite her Mars. Once that initial reluctance (which can range from vague to explicit, depending on the power of the Saturn interaspects and the individual temperaments involved) passes, there is generally a wonderful feeling of familiarity and safety with one another. [p] In another case Neptune was murdered. beyond Sun Signs. At this time Mercury was working hard. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Saturn conjunct Saturn in synastry - Lindaland Synastry:SunUranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts No. Many of the natal and progressed examples of Mercury square Sun are of people who meet through work or business. Moon conjunct Ketu: Moon is the mother. His Saturn Pluto is conjunct my south node. Saturn may deal with this fear by putting down the experience, punching holes in the theory that this threatening other has presented to Mercury. Saturn fears anything that threatens the initial bond they formed, and sees any signs of growth on Mercurys part as a threat to that bond. These relationships appear to offer both heaven and hell to the people involved in them. The aspect is not antipathetic, quite the opposite. Most intense synastry aspects you've experienced? : r/astrology - Reddit This can take the form of criticizing the energies expressed by the personal planet person. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. Mercury has the opportunity presented for some quality or condition that he finds ideal. [p] In all the examples of Mercury conjunct Jupiter, both persons are in a period of growth, hope, and optimism. Lets explore Moon-Saturn interchart aspects as another example. Mercury Registered: Dec 2012 . Both persons had heights and depths that were incomprehensible to the other. Skip Main Navigation. [p] They come together to share, or experience at the same time a quality or condition that is idealic, or that holds a note of mystery or scandal. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects This can take the form of criticizing the energies expressed by the personal planet person. [p] A priest with Mercury opposition the Pluto of a young woman worked with her in church groups and personally supported her through a period of reversing her aspirations to a courageous and noble decision. [p] A married woman had Mercury conjunct Neptune of a male friend who fell in love with her. [p] Mercury was a lusty, virile man, who understood well his Scorpio wife's erotic needs. A doctor with Mercury opposition Mars to a youngster worked with him periodically for three years of physical therapy after the boy had polio. Often, the Saturn person is the driver of routine and predictability. There are few marriages in the examples. Sun Conjunct Saturn: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are. MERCURY SQUARE M.C.Mercury is strongly drawn to the image that M.C. There are examples of antipathy as well as affinity, brief contact as well as endurance. [p] The progressions hold examples of drastic coercive force that separated the two, as well as examples of periods of intense cooperation. [p] The deepest and finest of human relationships for the good of both can be directed to the good of mankind. The person was your child. As a result, the progressions in half the cases are as indicative of separation as of blending. the moon person often sees Saturn as a safe place and a home. Mercury in Partners 1st house You will inspire easy communication with your partner. [For those whose requested interps dont all appear under your username [if at all] its of course because theyve been previously requested by others so look on the previous pages.]. When the larger adaptation of a common environment is required, they build up inflexible differences. This is just one of those mutual chemistry things that has to be forced to die. Scorpio If both of you are open-minded, Mercury appreciates Saturns advice and this can lead to a deeper sense of meaning. Mercury-Saturn in Synastry. [p] There is one example of a relationship of which we can only speak in reverence, as Mercury was known as a saint among men. [p] There is one example of two people who met in a philosophy class, had a brief clash of hostility (Mercury N parallel Mars) and separated. [p] A point will be clarified here. His social life is too active to not text others. [p] If both persons are able to change their personal situations to build common experience and communication, the exchange is beneficial to both. In these three cases, Mercury-Mars were companions and not involved in any other Mars pursuit at the time, other rhan their full expenditure of energy or aggression. Saturn could be silent often. And so do younger folks born between December 1988 and January 1990. When they were apart, she felt freer to be herself. Whatever it is, Moon can feel somewhat constrained by the relationship, and unable to express the child within, simply because of the expectation that Saturn may not approve, may not be capable of understanding, or may not be equipped to handle these expressions. If they had, one or both of the persons would have been ruined. [p] The progressions are subtle. No, no other Saturn aspects except Sun trine Saturn and Saturn sextile Mars. His Saturn falls into my 7th house, Pisces. This can be just as threatening to Saturn, who finds security in that initial bond that felt exclusive and special, whereby Mercury and Saturn came together with a mutual understanding that they turned to each other for advice and inspiring conversations. These people feel closely connected. unfortunately I have this with my boyfriend and experienced it the most with my ex (mars opp pluto is an exact aspect). In short, this sucks. The positive manifestation of the Pluto conjunct Mercury synastry aspect is relating on a very deep, soul-transforming level. Their relationship was primarily a clash of wills. [p] A man with Mercury square the Pluto of his wife joined the church choir with her. The next conjunction is in 2026. They met and parted with distaste or contempt. [p] Over a period of 22 years Mercury and Mars had various episodes of trauma separately, within a few years of each other. You both push each other to think in broader terms and open each other up to a new way of thinking. He isn't with me. [p] The examples show many relationships for common goals in business, marriage and friendship. In spite of all the pressures that would ten to separate them, the quantity of N parallels created too strong a bond. The male-female contacts tend more to a fraternal relationship. [p] In all cases, Mercury does relate to the Sun. Saturn does not feel comfortable with that initial bond changing, or what he or she perceives as changing. We have all seen Saturn in synastry at work in some shape or form. [p] There are two examples inw hich both persons have Mercury conjunct the other's Jupiter. Either one (or both) people involved may have made it clear at some early point in the interaction that this relationship was to be a serious or committed one. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. There can be a serious tone to your conversations that impedes a natural flow of communication. [p] There are beautiful examples of firm relationships where there is an equal exchange of nourishment and care, trust and tenderness. It must be emphasized here and now, that this aspect does not cause the violence. Saturn could have handled the job more efficiently than the other man. [p] In the progressions, Mercury often leaned on Saturn for security, rather than develop an exchange. In a Composite chart of a couple has Cancer rising then they will look like a married couple and feel at home with each other. Older folks born between September 1952 and October 1953 have this difficult aspect. In these cases the two worked together with emotional and temporal benefit, that built a secure relationship. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The South Node in Synastry - Monarch Astrology Also, your conversations tend to focus on serious topics or practical affairs and business, which can become dull for one or both of you. Mercury is seldom appreciative of the depth or extent of Saturn's responsible capabilities, or of Saturn's discipline or restriction. The relationship was respectful, but cold. MERCURY SQUARE PLUTOMercury is strongly drawn to coercion or cooperation with Pluto. At the time of this aspect, the man's Mercury made 4 N parallels to planets in the woman's chart. [p] The progressions show a particular time when Saturn was hard working, mature and responsible, had a grief or loss, was poor or in debt, or was ailing, physically or mentally. [p] A typical example is in that of two men friends with Mercury opposition Pluto. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects Saturn in Synastry | Cafe Astrology .com Saturn is capable of helping to add structure to Mercurys life, offering practical advice. They cooperated in a mutual trust and benefit, in that Mercury rented Pluto's house. [p] In some examples, the two people had no commensurate responsibility on which to base a relationship. even though my mercury is in aries and his is in virgo -- it is like our mercurys are conjunct. They started a business partnership with a million dollar backing from a national corporation. From our Romantic Compatibility report: Your relationship may have begun without serious communication problems, although there can be some reserve at the beginning, as Mercury especially feels somewhat awkward and self-conscious around Saturn in terms of what to say, how to say it, and so forth. Description of the conjunction aspect between the Sun and Saturn.This is about Synastry, not composite charts Why isnt Mercury turning to him or her? The finished product received little acclaim at the cost of a great deal of effort. The two people meet in a common desire or action, clash and withdraw for a shorter or longer period of time. The other man stayed in his peaceful world of marijuana and music. There is either a circumstantial obstacle or an incompatibility in their areas of responsibility. The second time this transit happens will be at age 56, and it is also significant because it marks the . [p] Marijuana and all the hallucinogenic drugs will be categorically related to as drugs unless distinction is required in a specific case. . That period of tentsion may be in their sexual attraction, a dispute or disagreement, an element of jealousy or competitiveness, a demand, a temper, or a trauma. Mercury Square Pluto Synastry: A Feast Of Unhealthy Mind Games [p] In his early years at college, he met the other woman to whom he had the Mercury conjunct Pluto. [p] There may be no more than a period of difficulty that can be overcome with effort. Saturn conjunct Neptune is a major planetary aspect occurring every 36.4 years. Saturn-Neptune-synastry | AstroGarden - ProBoards [p] In other cases, the two people loved each other, but the life of one or the other was marked with tragedy. Sun Conjunction Mars Meaning, Synastry Chart Aspect, Free Astrology Saturn symbolises the structures in our lives such as career, stability, family and the 'old ways'. [p] In one case, a man and woman from homes 3,000 miles apart met at a convention mid-way between. In every case there is some period of tension or excitement. Leo There was a periodic contact, as both women bore the man children. [p] In the progressions there are similar examples and some that were less harsh. He proved this when he took a similar position with a competitive company. Where Mercury is a big enough person to allow the Sun to express his ego, authority and capacities, it is a rich association. The relationship is probably quite steady, but it's not exciting. [p] The Mercury who takes undue advantage with no commensurate effort loses the benefit. [p] Several love affairs had disastrous results. [p] With the Mercury trine Mars aspect, the chance for a constructive relationshup comes so easily that Mercury seldom puts any more effort into the matter than circumstances call for. Rather, the stabilizing influence of Saturn is more prominent. In these examples, Mercury feels and responds in feeling to the Moon. [p] The longest example of a relationship was the most traumatic. [p] In an example of two men with Mercury square Saturn, Mercury went to work for Saturn, to handle his problems of cataloging a series of records into a methodical system. There is a certain time when the two are drawn together easily and the opportunity is presented for an exchange, in a matter that is mystical, ecstatic, or aesthetically idealic, mysterious, scandalous, or strange.

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