Ketu transit to the 11th house will aid in gaining a powerful support system from your family, leaders, and peers. So it is these 4 that make or break your life - in the following revelations, I would walk you all through the positive developments that can take place in your life as well as negative developments that can affect your mental peace. You will have multiple opportunities to get career progress. It is suggested to practice safety measures while driving or handling sharp objects as some chances of injury are foreseen. It also causes limitless desires on material and spiritual gains. 12 Hour 24 Hour. There will be some concerns regarding your love life and you may feel attracted to many people. Staying grounded and balanced head would help you sustain this popularity even after the transit. Below we analyse in detail the identity of Rahu-Ketu, the impact of the transit, and guidelines during the period. This Rahu transit in 2020 will bring immense focus on your career and social image. You will naturally become very aggressive and that can bring issues with your friends and family. It might make you tiptoe around many people, being unsure of who could become an enemy. There will be timely gains, but stress regarding the finances will be the major point. If you already have any uterus issues, then there will be some complications regarding these matters. Ketu will transit in the eight house for Aries natives at the start of 2022, which signifies an increase in mental tension as well as physical anguish and misery. Please dont get into any wrong friend circle. You will somehow try to establish yourself, but remember, dont use any short cuts. It is suggested to evade from egoistic verbal clashes and over domineering behavior in personal and profession life. 5th House represents children, romantic relationships, sense of creativity, and intellect. Ketu in this transit phase, goes through Chitra, Swathi and Vishakha constellations in Libra sign. Observing fast on Thursdays for Lord Hanuman and visiting His temple on Saturdays can mitigate the bad effects of this transit. Ketu as a karmic planet, there may be some challenges based on the poorva janma karma -past life karma. Impact of Transit Rahu Ketu on your horoscope. Unnecessary problems arise in the family. You might be interested in finding a new love interest. This transit will bring a lot of changes in your entire life. Rahu will enhance sources of income in business and promotional hikes in career. Rahu will enter Aries at its natural speed i.e. 2 Qs. Will Imran Khan continue as PM of Pakistan ? Rahu in the second house enables chances of good money through family inheritance, assets, and even unhindered moral support from family. Overall, this Rahu Ketu transit could be a period of success in addition to new self-discovery and life lessons from past karma. Loans and lending can come up, but you need to be very careful. Your mothers health could be a challenge. Real estate deals, relocation, addition in the family, family functions and so many things can happen. Major transit of Rahu-Ketu in 2020-2022 will occur through 4-10 axis which is indeed not a good transit to have however Rahu transiting through the favorite sign Taurus hence some discount he would like to give. Entry into politics and contesting local elections will give victory. Rahu Ketu transit in Taurus Scorpio 2020-22 - psychologically astrology The more precise result can be seen from Indias independence chart and New year chart. During this Rahu transit, you will be focused to improve your ventures. This transit will bring moderate results with intermittent auspicious events in personal life. You will have emotional concerns due to the aspect of Ketu, so you will have to take up a lot of energy from the superior force. There can be inclination for foreign oriented programs or even foreign travels to the native. The 8th house represents the death of national rulers, presidents, prime ministers, kings or dictators, end of government, destruction of the state, any set back to State like the death of important ministers and personalities, trouble to the people through famines epidemics, mortality, death rates. This is a very good phase to draw some plans for your long term projects. This is going to be a very huge transit for you as your career as Rahu is going to influence your 2,6 and 10th house in a very massive way. Light lamp for Lord Ketu in the Navagraha shrine. Transit Timeline Movement through Signs and Nakshatra s Rahu enters Taurus on the September 19th, 2020 and leaves it on the March 17th, 2022 Rahu will stay in Mrigshira Nakshatra till February 13th, 2021 You will be a busy body as you have short trips as well. Things might not go well with your leaders or subordinates at work. Ketu moving to your 4th house can create some distress and hiccups in your domestic life. Multiple projects from communication-related domains also can come up. Respect Gurus, elders and your leaders or superiors at the workplace. This transit will be influencing your family matters and career. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jupiterspeaks_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_26',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Native will be travelling unnecessarily, disputes/ misunderstanding in the family can happen . Please control the sugar cravings as when the 6th house is activated, then you will be prone to lifestyle diseases. Sort out a well thought investment plan after consulting advisors. However, you will have some financial issues as both Rahu and Ketu will be influencing your finances. There will be a lot of foreign trips as well. You should make a profit-loss analysis and that will be helping you to plan well. Native will be prone to suffer on account of health which will primarily start from mind and then prevail elsewhere in physical body. According to temple almanac Vaikkya Panchang, this transit occurs on March 21, 2022. These natives will be having raised status, promotions, change with good position and rank and prominently there will be success in the natives effort and will be rewarded for the same. The app will get installed. You may become selfish and greedy at times but there will be surge of passion, courage, and new ambition in life. Take up some remedies like meditation, serving elders, frequent clutter clearing, and charity. Rahu also causes some obstacles regardless of the hard work put in. Wearing some gold ornaments can produce more good results or impart peace of mind. There will be additional responsibilities at work. The first part deals with the mundane effect. You will have emotional concerns due to the aspect of Ketu, so you will have to take up a lot of energy from the superior force. All Rights Reserved. However, your spouse or your romantic partner may struggle with one or other illnesses. Rahu will stay in Taurus till 17 March 2022. Native will feel more inclined towards spiritual knowledge, meditation and alternative healing etc. Rahu Transit 2022 to 2024 Predictions for Scorpio Ascendant/ Lagna Rahu will be transiting in your 6th house and it will make you victorious in court cases and in election. rahu ketu transit - psychologically astrology Sakthi Vikatan - 08 March 2022 - | rahu ketu transit predictions Sep 22, 2020: Apr 12, 2022: Ketu: Vcika - Kita - Scorpionis : Sep 22, 2020: Apr 12, 2022: Rahu: Meza - Kriya - Arya - Aries: Apr 12, 2022: Oct 30, 2023: Your popularity is about to increase multifold times, like all your posts in social media will attract attention or grab likes. Career change looks a little difficult and new job opportunities will be meager. This transit will be occurring through 2-8 axis and is usually not considered good especially to those who are undergoing bad dasha, as thus time is full of expenditures wanted or unwanted , income source may have some trouble, native will be having bad language and negative orientation during this course of time. . But since intensity can be varying not intention hence peace at heart will be disturbed, there will be ups and down in the career/profession either a break will follow or they will change to new company. But the transit of Rahu will bring mild chaos at the family front. There will be intense changes in your personal life too. Transiting To - Libra. Since Rahu is transiting through the natal position which is a friendly sign and 11th house from Moon and Lagna lord, the negative result related to the significance of the first house will be under check to some extent. Keep a silver coin in your wallet or purse to enhance your financial status in this phase. Marital life looks moderate. This will make your life more into a spiritual note. This transit is going to bring gains from your long term goals. Rahu in the 9th house affects paternal relationships, ancestors, luck, and long-distance travels. This transit results can test your patience and faith in God. Rahu in the twelfth house of salvation, foreign gains, and expenses blesses good finances in addition to overseas travel. Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 to 2022 - Vedic Astrology Lessons There will be detachment from them for various issues. , . Karma blesses success in spirituality, learning yoga, or attaining meditative peace. Few drops of Amrita have gone into his mouth of Swarabhanu (Asuran), and hence Swarabhanu acquired immortality. For the students, this period will bring distraction and they will feel losing concentration. In these 18 months, you will get multiple opportunities to travel to a foreign land or long-distance travel too. However, relationships with elders and female figures in the family can suffer. Let's have a look at the Rahu Transit 2022 dates and times: Planet of Transit . Time - 10:36 AM. Take care of father and elderly members of the family as health or any sort of issues may trouble them. Ketu in this sign will smoothen relationships and its happiness quotient gains momentum! Rahu transits to Mesha. With good financial gains and crystal-clear clarity in life, you will have a pleasant and joyful time with your family. Rahu Ketu Transit 2022 Predictions for All Zodiac Signs Rahu will transit to Aries sign and Ketu to Libra sign on April 12, 2022 and will be posited in these signs for a period of 18 months, until 30th October 2023. You will have to be very careful with your power and position. Likely that issues related to in-laws, their family can pop up and even some health issues can bother, any near dear may have critical health issues. For Scorpian this transit is going to occur on 7-1 axis, it is just as of reverse Taurus Moon sign people. Bitterness will increase. The shadow planet Rahu will be in the sign of Taurus till 12th April 2022 and then it is all set to transit on 12 April 2022 at 11:18 am in the sign of Aries. There will be frequent arguments and restructuring in the existing agreements. Career-related studies, and projects from mass communications are also possible. Rahu Ketu Transit 2023 | Rahu Ketu Peyarchi 2023 Good chances of retrieving your money stuck as loans or debts with other people will knock at your door. Rahu enters Aries on 12th Apr, 2022 01:40 pm. It would be wise to plan for long term investment or high paying financial bonds. Also, its impact is compared to that of Saturn. But economic impacts will continue as many businesses will shutdown and job being lost. This will be giving you many opportunities to work in groups. Married life looks average and spouses health might be a cause of discomfort. Donate rice to differently abled people on Tuesdays. This is the good transit to have for any Moon sign. Only if you have a badly placed Ketu in the chart, you may have some critical situations in your love life. This may add value to your self-esteem and more motivation. It is advised to stick to the bond of trust and loyalty to steer clear of issues in your personal life. Rahu Ketu Bhagavan, who can travel in one zodiac sign for a year and a half, will travel in the zodiac sign of Taurus and Scorpio respectively until the 7th May 2022. By investing sincere thoughts and right efforts this transit will bring joyful permanent changes in your life. You will be interested in socializing with new friends and social circles. Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of Boydton, United States with DST adjustment (if applicable). Rahu during its transit will move over Ashwini Nakshatra and it will impart mixed results as it Ashwini is the Nakshatra of Ketu. This will make your life more into a spiritual note. Donate wheat, jaggery to devotees and vessels made of copper to a temple. You will meet sponsors or clients in person to enhance the business popularity. Expenses will be well under control. Rahu Ketu Transit 2022 to 2024 Predictions For-Libra To - AstroSanhita Rahu-Ketu Transit: Part 1 (Sep 2020 - Mar 2022) - The Vedic Vision So, you have to be careful with every penny you spend. Your partner might break up with you or file for separation. Effect of Rahu transit 2020 - Libra Sign Period of sudden fortunes. There will be a lot of research and studies regarding your long term projects. Ketu will help the students learn things quickly and increase the ability to memorize well. There may be illness to family members and enemies may monger or bother the natives or if not then likely to face opposition and hence worries can effect productivity. Even if you have to do some of such deals, then you should cross-check all the possibilities. The economy of the country in general - gross national product, taxation and revenues. Donate blue, black, or any dark-colored clothes to the poor. Give them enough space to make a decision. . Major transit of Rahu-Ketu in 2020-2022 will occur through 4-10 axis which is indeed not a good transit to have however Rahu transiting through the favorite sign Taurus hence some discount he would like to give. Your communications also can cause arguments in the teams. This period might not be auspicious for legalising your love interest into marital relationships. For the next 18 months, Rahu will be triggering your emotional issues. Rahu and Ketu will transit through the 1-7 axis of India's independence chart. Ketu in the 8th house can accentuate your hidden talents to be expressed, making you keen on unraveling the mystery of your life through spiritual modes. Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 - 2022 | Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 Predictions : 2:32Tau. Moneywise, this transit will be a promising one. Rahu Transit 2022 Date and Time. There will be considerable progress on the money front and standard of life. Rahu and Ketu (The North and South Nodes of the Moon in Western Astrology) are an essential part of Vedic Astrology. This is a phase where you get money and spend money. Rahu Ketu Transit 2022 | Rahu Ketu Peyarchi 2022 - 2022 - .. | 2022 rahu ketu peyarchi palangal rishbam Save the vikatan web app to Home Screen tap on You should be prepared in advance to face this. Lets see how these transits are going to impact each sign and primarily transits are seen through the Moon sign because Mahadasa and antardasa are calculated by the Moon sign only. Sure recognition, grand success, and exponential growth particularly in the fields of digital transformation- graphic designing, IT software, and online tutoring or designing educational courses will be the fruits of the transit, this year. How Rahu-Ketu March 17 Transit will impact your personal life As such, Vedic Astrology calls it a serpent and as objects that cast a shadow on the luminaries, their effects are mostly evil. For the next 18 months, you will make a lot of plans regarding your long term personal and professional plans and execute them. You will be more inclined towards the worldly pleasure of life despite the fact Ketu, a spiritual planet, is placed in a powerful house. Ketu will inculcate new ideas that ooze creativity and intelligence through which you will reach top heights in your career ladder. You will experience a newfound inclination to start new ideas or pitch most creative ideas to your team or business partners. As Rahu and Ketu are always in retrograde motion, thus these two planets moves back from their current sign. They may opt for casual sexual encounter with multiple people. Pray to Lord Ganesha on Sankatahara Chathurthi tithis, observing fasting is highly encouraged. Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 to 2022 Taurus Sign, Auspicious Yoga & Muhurat in Vedic Astrology, Gajakeshari Yoga and Its Results Vedic Astrology Lessons, Remedies / Pariharas for Manglik Dosha Vedic Astrology Lessons, Kuja Dosha Analysis and Mars Positions in Different Houses Vedic Astrology Lessons, Manglik Dosha Cancellations or Exceptions Rules Vedic Astrology Lessons, What is Manglik Dosha or Kuja Dosha Vedic Astrology Lessons, Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha Effects, Cancellation & Remedies Vedic Astrology Lessons, Cancellation Of Mangal Dosha or Kuja Dosha Vedic Astrology Lessons, Delay in Marriage | No Marriage Yoga in Vedic Astrology, Rahu Ketu transit 2020 predictions for Taurus Sign, Saturn Transit 2020 to 2023 for Capricorn, Saturn Transit 2020 to 2023 for Sagittarius. Aries This is going to be a very huge transit for you as your career as Rahu is going to influence your 2,6 and 10th house in a very massive way. There will be a lot of rebellious moves, but remember, this is not the time to take any risk regarding your job. It creates a lasting effect in each of its transit that results in a tangible, visible and permanent change. You will hanker to try new things in your life, this can lead to unproductive spending. Rahu and Ketu Transit 2020 - Change is Imminent | Vedic Astrology Expenses due to vehicles are possible. This transit could be a great opportunity to repay and settle outstanding loans. The changes are especially pronounced for the superior planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. The 11th house represents monetary benefits, income through profession, smooth cordial relationship with elder siblings and friends. Family events and being with siblings and small communities can also come up. Effects of Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 to 2022 For All Moon Sign Rahu will be transiting through the 9th house of higher studies, vision, and philosophy. This movement of the shadow planets blesses success in reaching a government job or contracts with government offices. Our expert Astrologers willanswer all your concerns related to love, health, money, career and much more. Any new hobby or habit of new age can be cultivated. Offer sandalwood to Lord Ganesha and apply this as tilak on your forehead every day throughout this transit. Rahu Ketu movement in this transit will enable your focus on career and help you perform with great zeal and more than usual vigor. Your career is ruled by the earth sign of Taurus and that will make Rahu very stubborn about career progress. kumu1; Jan 22, 2016; General Discussions [Archives] Replies 1 Views 1K. However, Rahu will aspect the 5th house of children and past birth credits and that can be a challenging time. Rahu in the 5th house influences your knowledge, intelligence, creativity, and innovative ideas. At home, you will try to do some real estate deals. Ketu in the 12th house can increase opportunities for investments, Moksha or spiritual liberation, generosity, and overseas migration. Rahu is a slow-moving planet and takes nearly a year and a half to change its sign and nearly 18 years to travel across the entire Zodiac. Gains and income through multiple resources like profession, past investments, and trading look feasible. A summary of the impact Rahu has delivered is as below: So, Rahu's transit through Taurus in the past has always given a striking and lasting effect. Your fortune might be fluctuating, and you will notice that your wealth is depleting quite fast on health concerns. Use them wisely and stay away from risky businesses. During this transit, Rahu will be influencing your workplace and health. Marital life looks average. Children and youngsters in the family will have more needs. Budding entrepreneurs must be very careful about signing new digital deals or trading. You will make new strategies for your ventures. There are chances for major financial transactions, but you should not be in a haste, especially when Jupiter is retrograding. Our expert Astrologers will answer all your concerns about love, health, money, career, and much more. . Professionally, you might have to work very hard to achieve a little success or even for simple tasks. Rahu will be transiting the 5th House and Ketu will be transiting to the 11th House from your Moon sign, Sagittarius on the 12th of April 2022. There may be losses through unexpected fire accidents in the warehouse or thefts. There will be some risks attached to my career. Overall, while there may be turbulence, in the long run it will sail the world in the right direction. Some natives may go through the demise of team members, business partners or a sincere, trusted employee.

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