Vampire Weaknesses. Ludmilla first came to Barovia as a little girl, stowing away in a Vistani caravan that passed through her homeland of Amn. Ludmilla Curse of Strahd Wintoli Wintoli Wintoli 2022-03-27T01:41:03Z 2022-03-27T21:16:53Z Ludmilla can immediately summon 2d4 Strahd Zombies anywhere in Barovia. Normally he would have discarded her after a time, but she proved intelligent and charismatic which moved him to making her his bride. Scampers about the inn and easily gets underfoot, Eleven-year-old son of Danika and Urwin. Ludmilla can climb difficult surfaces including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. Strahd is a 15th level spellcaster. Ludmilla Vilisevic | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal Ludmilla Vilsevic von Zarovich, eldest in Strahd's harem. What hidden magics will get him out of his prison? We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Will attempt to steal from or even kill party members, Werewolf guard assigned to watch the entrance of the den, Crazed old woman who believes herself to be Strahd's true mother. Ludmilla casts Haste on both of the other Brides. Paid by Vasili von Holtz (Strahd) to hide coffins containing Vampire Spawn, Villiage of Barovia: Burgomaster's Mansion (E4), Adopted daughter of the burgomaster of the Villiage of Barovia. ICv2 - 07/08/2021. She set out to investigate the Amber temple one night soon after and ran into the dusk elf Rahadin on one of his trips to petition the dark powers. Guide to Curse of Strahd: Tsolenka Gate - YouTube Plus, you have our As is her wont, Ludmilla is doing Strahds work before he has realized it himself. If the vampire takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of the vampire's next turn. Forced by Izek Strazni to make Ireena Kolyana dolls, Castle Ravenloft: King's Bedchamber (K42), Naive young girl from the villiage of Barovia. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. If the amulet absorbs damage that reduces it to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, and Volenta takes any leftover damage. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Plus, you have our Leader of the hag coven in the Old Bonegrinder. Kidnaps children to grind their bones into powder for baking dream pastries, Wereraven scout watching Baba Lysaga's hut from afar. Anastrasya regains 15 hit points at the start of its turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water. She has survived being cast aside like other consorts by not fatiguing him with a need for his attention, while actively seeking ways to attend to the matters he deems important. It was only as a young woman that a kindly family in Vallaki found and adopted her. Deva sent to protect Krezk who has fallen into madness. Brother of Arrigal and father of Arabelle, Vallaki: Burgomaster's Mansion Dining Room (N3c). Now spends her days locked within her room, believing she is a cat. May attack anyone traveling along the Tsolenka Pass, Castle Ravenloft: Catacombs (K84, Crypt 20), Former Bride of Strahd, locked within a crypt after Strahd became bored of her, Dusk Elf scout sent to find Arabelle. you will have instant access to your previous versions. Ludmilla Vilisevic. Ludmilla Vilisevic is a vampire spawn and one of Strahd 's vampire brides. Ludmilla can immediately summon 2d4 Strahd Zombies anywhere in Barovia. Elwynn offered his services as a paladin, and the rest of the party agreed theyd stop and see what they can do, since the estate is on their way to their destination of Tser Pool. Who Will Enjoy Curse of Strahd? ludmilla curse of strahd stats. I'm so happy Escher's a bard haha!! Sister of Mishka Belview, Groundskeeper and gravedigger of St. Andral's Church. Son of Stefania and Dag and grandson of Davian, Winged Mongrelfolk in the Abbey of St. Markovia. Rahadin | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Ludmilla regains hit points equal to that amount. Preaches nightly to terrified Vallakians, trying to comfort them. She has survived being cast aside like other consorts by not fatiguing him with a need for his attention, while actively seeking ways to attend to the matters he deems important. Described as "fearless". "You are beautiful," Strahd murmured. Round 2: Child of the Street. This casting draws from Strahds power and does not consume a spell slot. While Strahd can take Lair Actions, Anastrasya can benefit from them. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. Thank you so much. Activez-le, puis rechargez la page. Murderous spider-like mongrelfolk hiding in the well in the Abbey of St. Markovia. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. If the vampire takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of the vampire's next turn. Impossible d'ouvrir ce fichier car JavaScript n'est pas activ dans votre navigateur. They function much like Legendary Actions in that they are to be used at the end of other character's turns. It's like having a rewind button for your campaign. Rahadin discovered her as a young woman and presented her to Strahd as a potential bride. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. And who knows maybe she has another pet demon or two imprisoned in the castle? Plus, you have our Chained to the ground and will not allow anyone other than Clovin Belview to approach her. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. She is seen as the leader of his harem, and reins the others in when . Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. Beaten by Luvash for allowing Arabelle to be taken, Vallaki: Wachterhaus Servants' Quarters (N4h), Former Bride of Strahd, buried within Strahd's Tomb, Wife of Burgomaster Dmitri Krezkov. Kiril Stoyanovich's mate, Villiage of Barovia: Bildrath's Mercantile (E1), Owner and proprietor of Bildrath's Mercantile in the Villiage of Barovia, Drunken and destitute fisherman from Vallaki. you will have instant access to your previous versions. We've already been saving your edits, so if you She was the mastermind of the plot to steal St. Andrals bones, which lead to the vampire spawn attacking Ismark after he was separated from Ireena and was searching through Vallaki for her. Mourning Amulet. Ludmila was headed for Barovia, hoping to get help from either the burgomaster or Father Donovich in solving the Durst problem. I was inspired by a youtube video on running Tsolenka Pass (found here: and the removal of the Vrocks that stand guard. Vistani NPCs have access to curses and the Evil Eye (p. 28), Long-dead dusk elf wizard, killed by her own people to prevent her from being corrupted by Strahd. The appearance of Tatyana served as an interlude to this relationship, with Rahadin telling Patrina to stay away from Strahd for good. She then set about actively serving him in both his arcane studies and in recruiting his next bride, Anastrasya. Home . They can be staked in their plots of earth in Strahd's tomb, but I would not give them the power of a true vampire - that's Strahd's schtick. Until then, you can find all other chapters of Curse of Strahd: Reloaded here. While Strahd can take Lair Actions, Volenta can benefit from them. 13 ESSENTIAL Curse of Strahd DM Tips (after I ran it 3 - YouTube For the original Brides of Strahd statblocks click here. Ludmila . Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. We've already been saving your edits, so if you I think this is a fun idea and I intend on playing with it a bit more but I've made up a statblock for her and picked out a few fun spells. He was a very good general, but ultimately just a regular guy before settling down in Castle Ravenloft. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). Round 3: Bride of the Ancient: Anastrasya can force others to experience Strahd's power. Any damage that Volenta takes is transferred to the Mourning Amulet. Curse of Strahd NPCs - Google Sheets Anastrasya Karelova | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal Former lover of Vladimir Horngaard, Co-owner of the Arasek Stockyard. Ludmilla | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal He fed upon her regularly, and was impressed by her stoic, yet thoughtful response to his hunger. no risk refund guarantee Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. She has survived being cast aside like other consorts by not fatiguing him with a need for his attention, while actively seeking ways to attend to the matters he deems important. Ludmilla Vilisevic | Curse of Strahd | Obsidian Portal Plus, you have our Trapped in her crypt in the form of a Banshee. Escher seems to have taken an interest in them due to the fact that he and Ismark are old drinking buddies. Ludmilla is furious with him for not relaying the information that Ireena had been separated from Ismark outside of Vallaki fast enough. Kidnapped by Bluto Krogarov, Castle Ravenloft: Catacombs (K84, Crypt 4), Mad ghost of a failed inventor who dreamed of flying. Here's how my thought process goes. Turned into a Vampire Spawn by Strahd during the Mad Mage's failed attack on Ravenloft, Barkeep and co-owner of the Blue Water Inn. Claws. Strahd brought his hand to her waist, then waited to see how she would respond. Young wereraven boy from the Wizard of Wines. Ludmila is a winged humanoid, employed as a guard at the Durst estate. Grieving over the death of his last child Ilya, Priest of the Villiage of Barovia. She now carefully stays out of her masters way unless he needs her direct aid, and she has ingratiated herself to Rahadin who also keeps her in favor with Strahd. Volenta regains 15 hit points at the start of its turn if she has at least 1 hit point and isn't in sunlight or running water.

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